C-Innovation Expands Operations in Brazil
Edison Chouest Offshore affiliate C-Innovation specializes in providing the services of underwater robotics better known as ROVs, an English acronym for remotely operated vehicles. Founded in 2007 and currently operating 29 ROVs, C-Innovation began its activities in Brazil in 200S.
Among some of the tirst C-Innovation activities in Brazil involved two ROVs onboard the SSCV (semi-submersible crane vessel) HERMOD from Heerema Marine Contractors in 2009. The primary scope of work included the installation of two tixed platforms in the Peregrino tield for the c1ient, Statoil.
ln June of 2011, Ensco’s drillship, DEEP OCEAN CLARION, arrived in Brazil with two C-Innovation ROVs onboard for a three-year BP exploratory drilling campaign.
ln August 2011, C-Innovation began the mobilization of an ROV onboard the AHTS (anchor handling towing supply) vessel OLlN CONQUEROR, a Chouest vessel chartered to OGX, tasked to give support to the anchor jobs associated with the c1ient’s floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit.
Another ongoing project is with the RSV (ROV support vessel) JOE GRIFFIN, which arrived in Brazil in September. The RSV JOE GRIFFIN was a PSV (platform supply vessel) converted to an RSV with the addition of a 1OO-ton winch and crane, stern A-frame, bridge extension module, launch system and an ROV. The vessel and ROV are contracted to Petrobras, specitically for MIS (underwater inspection and maintenance), for the next tive years, with a possibility to renew for tive more years.
By year’s end, C-Innovation of Brazil will have four ROVs, with many more to come!